Plastic Surgery Guatemala

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Design of the eyes

The gaze is the window of the soul and the light of the eyes gladdens the heart.

Many times a look says more than a thousand words, in it you reflect your joys, your sorrows, your desires, your hope, your anger, your fears... It is the reason why eye design surgery is a very gratifying and very requested surgery.

It is common that with the passing of the years our eyes changes but not our soul: we feel cheerful and our eyes reflects seriousness or anger; we feel full of vitality and our eyes reflects tiredness. In business meetings we are seen as tired or lacking vitality, in our homes our loved ones see us as serious or angry. Sometimes the changes are more subtle that women notice quickly, such as when it is difficult to apply makeup (mascara) on the eyelashes, not to mention the application of eye shadow.

Time has its own time, no one can advance it and no one can delay it. With it comes changes, which we are able to slow down or even reverse! Cosmetic surgery treatments can either cause the hands of the time clock to cause slower changes in us or they can even turn back the hands of the time clock causing these changes to reverse.

In the eyes, the most frequent changes that come with time are: a laxity of the skin on the eyelids, a lowering of the eyebrow, a decrease in the volume that surrounds the eye and ends up hiding them or the opposite can happen and there can be an increase in volume around the eyes giving them a prominent appearance (the famous and unwanted bags).

However, eyelid surgery is not only to rejuvenate eyelids. More and more frequently it is being performed in young people to design a permanent eyebrow design without having to resort to makeup or tattooing tricks (tattooing the eyebrow is strongly discouraged by our surgeon since the skin is usually tattooed in the adult and does not always correspond to the real eyebrow of the patient that over the years has descended. Therefore, the tattooed eyebrow will be in an unfavorable position that is difficult to correct since it does not correspond to the real eyebrow). Eyelid surgery can also be done to make a permanent design of the eyes giving them an almond-shaped appearance without having to resort to makeup techniques or devices such as adhesive tape. Finally it can be done to correct dark circles under the eyes that are not due to lack of sleep or dehydration and can sometimes be observed in very young people.

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The surgery of the eyelids  or blepharoplasty (technical name) is a thorough surgery, has a quick recovery and is of great satisfaction for the patient and for the surgeon. The benefits are a more attractive look and that the eyes reflects the soul. Complications are rare and below 1% (1 out of 100 patients operated on will have a complication). The most feared complication is vision loss which can occur in up to 0.01% (1 out of 10,000 patients operated on will have this complication). Other complications are asymmetry, infection, dry eye, eyelash or eyelid malposition.

It is an outpatient procedure, i.e. you go home the same day, it usually takes 2 to 4 hours depending on the results you wish to obtain. The procedure is performed with light sedation (numb patient) or deep sedation under the control of an anesthesiologist.

Recovery is relatively quick, with return to daily activities in about 1 week and an almost complete incorporation into daily life activities in 3 weeks. Pain is low. The scar is generally invisible.

The price range starts at $2,850 USD (it includes consultations before and after the procedure, the use of the operating room and supplies during the procedure, surgical and anesthetic team fees, as well as medications during recovery) and will be defined by the treatment plan suggested by your plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgeon. As we all know, not all dresses fit all bodies. At Kintsugi we do not look for generic results: we think like artists, plan like architects and execute like engineers. Just like with a dress, the result of your treatment is what people will see when they meet you. It's an investment in you.

At Kintsugi we will take care of you and be by your side throughout your aesthetic experience.