Plastic Surgery Guatemala

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Filler, what is it really?

It is very common that when we meet with a plastic surgeon we ask if he applies neuromodulator and filler. When he says yes and explains the difference between the two, we are very surprised because we had always thought they were the same thing.

This is understandable since the application of neuromodulator and filler are the procedures most frequently performed by plastic surgeons, performing more than 10 million applications per year worldwide! (this is not counting all the patients who have applications performed by NON plastic surgeons).

If they are not the same, how are they different? As we saw in the previous post,the neuromodulator works mainly to attenuate wrinkles on the face. We commented that it is as if we had a highway. If thousands of cars pass by it will deteriorate sooner than if we limit the number of cars that can drive on the highway. It is the same with the neuromodulator, by decreasing the intensity of the expressions on the face, then the wrinkles will diminish. The filler, on the other hand, is totally different since it has nothing to do with facial expressions!

The preferred filler is a natural component present in our skin. As we get older, we stop producing it in the quantities we did in our youth and we continue to use it the same. This translates into a decrease in their quantity in our tissues, which translates into less firm tissues. This loss of turgor is precisely the main purpose of filler injections. However, by giving volume, firmness or turgor to the tissues, other applications have been created, such as sculpting the tissues of the body.

What do I mean by sculpting body tissues? In some cases you can improve the profile of the jaw, in other cases you can improve the profile of the nose, in other cases you can improve the contour of the lips,It can be used to improve cellulite. Some surgeons even use it to improve the buttock!

The application of filler has its appeal as a relatively inexpensive, quick to perform and quick to recover procedure. Its favorite feature for patients is a minimal or non-existent downtime. These are the reasons why it is so sought after. However, it carries risks that are often not made known to the patient because whoever applies it does not know them (which is a tragedy).

These risks can be minor, such as a bruise, a small swelling, or more serious complications such as facial distortion with "duck lips", artificially exaggerated cheekbones, or a visible product due to poor placement. Eventually tragedies can occur such as blindness or loss of the nose. This is the importance of choosing well who is going to apply it. Of course the budget is important but even more important is the peace of mind of knowing that the expected results are the desired results.

Therefore, our advice is to choose wisely: it is better not to undergo this procedure if you put your safety at risk.

By the way, how are the neuromodulator and the filler similar? They are similar in that they both help you look better! They both belong to the premium skin care category as they will improve the quality of the skin like no cream ever will. Many times we compare them to creams like someone who is in Guatemala and wants to go to Japan; on foot he will never make it but by plane it will only take him a few hours!