Plastic Surgery Guatemala

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Body contour

For a long time there has been an interest in improving the curves of the silhouette. We can see it with the use of corsets or more recently of girdles. That is why when the French plastic surgeon Illouz developed liposuction at the end of the 20th century it was a boom that has been going on ever since. Liposuction has been over the years the most requested surgery every year.

We all have a certain amount of fat under our skin. The distribution of this fat in our body is determined by several factors such as genetics, diet, exercise, use of medications, lifestyle, etc. Not all fat is the same and we can see when we lose weight how the fat leaves a certain place first or when we gain weight how it appears first in certain places. That is why despite having a healthy diet and exercise sometimes we do not achieve the goals we want with our body contour.

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The human being has a limited amount of fat cells, when we gain weight we do not increase the number of fat cells but we increase the size of the fat cells we have. Let us imagine a bunch of grapes. We have a defined amount of grapes and when we put on weight the amount of grapes does not change but they fill with juice and increase in size. On the other hand, when we lose weight the quantity of grapes remains the same, but when they lose their juice they become raisins.

During  liposuction these grapes are removed from the cluster forever. Of course, it is possible to put on weight again, but the distribution of the weight gai will be different, since only the grapes that remain will increase in size. As a result, if you put on weight after liposuction, the result will be what is sometimes called "hot chubby". Obviously this is not what is desired, not what is wanted, not what happens. In most cases, the person noticing this positive change in their body contour gains motivation and changes his lifestyle. This positive impact on health occurrs in most cases as a consequence of the result obtained.

With liposuction we sculpt the fat of our body to beautify the body contour. Highlighting curves, such as the one that goes down the back in an S-shape with a concavity in the lower back followed by the desired convexity of the buttocks. Or that other nice S-shaped curve with a concavity at the waist and a convexity at the hip.

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In conclusion, liposuction is a "win win situation" like all other plastic surgery treatments in which people live better lives.

The procedure is ambulatory, that is, you go home the same day, it takes about 4 to 6 hours depending on the results you wish to obtain. It is performed under deep sedation controlled by an anesthesiologist. The scars are small and imperceptible. Of all plastic surgery procedures it is the most painful. Recovery is slow, resuming daily life after 10 days and physical activity within 2 to 3 weeks.

Minor risks are low (less than 5%) and are generally: asymmetries, skin marks such as folds or spots. The most severe problems that occur in less than 1/5235 are loss of skin areas or perforation of organs such as kidneys, intestines or bladder. This safety profile is in the hands of plastic surgeons, however as we have seen before, due to the high demand for liposuction many doctors are attracted and unfortunately do not have the necessary expertise (medical malpractice).

Due to this high demand, the medical industry has in recent years developed devices promoted as "size reduction" in an attempt to simulate the benefits of liposuction. The results obtained are a fraction of what can be obtained with liposuction. In liposuction it is customary to remove up to 5 liters of fat, while with the device it is possible to reduce the measurements by less than 1 cm. Liposuction removes the fat from the body while aparatology kills the fat cells either with cold or heat (radiofrequency, laser, ultrasound or plasma). Liposuction is a single session of a few hours and the applatology is several sessions of about 30 minutes to 1 hour for several months (about 6 months). The aparatology is a viable option for those who want small changes without requiring downtime and at a lower investment.

The price range starts at 4990 USD (it includes consultations before and after the procedure, the use of the operating room and supplies during the procedure, surgical and anesthetic team fees, as well as medications during recovery) and will be defined by the treatment plan suggested by your plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgeon. As we all know, not all dresses fit all bodies. At Kintsugi we do not look for generic results: we think like artists, plan like architects and execute like engineers. Just like with a dress, the result of your treatment is what people will see when they meet you. It's an investment in you.

At Kintsugi we will take care of you and be by your side throughout your aesthetic experience.