Plastic Surgery Guatemala

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Tummy Tuck

We will talk about a very popular procedure, one of the most frequently performed and that curiously everyone seems to want to avoid. But once it is performed it brings great satisfaction and relief to the person who has made the decision.

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Why would they want to avoid it? The reason is because of the scar, which is large. I have always been struck by the importance people place on the number of stitches involved in a surgery. I have been told that the more stitches in a surgery means a bigger surgery. This is not entirely true, since with endoscopic techniques through small incisions on the outside of the body, very large surgeries are performed on the inside of the body. It is also common that in small incisions on the outside of the body a large number of stitches are placed as happens in nose surgery. I have also been told that the stitches can be ugly or not pleasing to the eye. This is very true, however the job of plastic surgeons is mainly to make discreet scars and use special techniques to obtain the best possible scar. I did not understand the importance given to the number of stitches because it is my area of expertise and I excel at creating scars that are as subtle as possible. A quality that has earned me the trust of numerous patients for other cosmetic procedures they wish to obtain. I can understand the interest aroused by the number of stitches but there is much more to the decision to have a cosmetic procedure.

Let's take the following case as an example:

It is an exaggerated case, but it is easier to understand. We can see how she has excess skin on her abdomen that translates into many folds around the navel. A situation similar to a dress that is too big for us. This woman tells us that after having her twins her skin never returned to its previous state. She also shares that she likes to exercise, which not only has not helped her to improve this situation but makes worse her feeling of physical discomfort during exercise. She expresses feeling uncomfortable with herself when she looks in the mirror, physically uncomfortable when exercising as she feels that her skin is not like a lycra, but rather like pajamas and to top it off she does not have the courage to wear a bikini or attractive underwear. Having a tummy tuck following pregnancies is very frequent. We can compare this phenomenon to that of a balloon that after it is inflated does not return to its previous state. Our body, following abdominal expansion due to nurturing a baby, often does not return to its previous state. Causing to have too much skin for a smaller body.

The photographs show an ideal candidate because she is at her ideal weight, which leads to a more accurate assessment of excess skin. Just as when brides are measured for their wedding dresses, it will always be easier to make the dress of a bride who has maintained her weight all her life than one who is on a diet just before the wedding. For the latter, not only will her dress have to be fitted several times, but it is very likely that if she does not persevere with a healthy lifestyle she will not be able to wear her dress again, such as for a photo shoot to remember the wedding 5 years later. The scar she has is extensive and goes from where her crease starts on one side of her body to where it ends on the other side of her body when she sits down. The results not only allow her to exercise much more comfortably, but the strategic placement of the scar allows her to wear a bikini and her favorite underwear without it being visible. It is beautiful to see her confidence come back to her and looking in the mirror the scar makes her stronger as it reminds her of her beautiful mom story.

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The second case is also a typical case in which the excess skin is for another reason:

Underneath our skin, we all have fat in varying amounts. Generally we have 1 to 2 cm of fat under the skin, however, sometimes it can be a much larger number. In this case this woman tells us that she has never been pregnant but has managed to lose 115 pounds thanks to a lifestyle change based on a healthy diet and exercise (which is to be applauded). She is an excellent candidate who is not only currently at her ideal weight but has managed to maintain it for 6 months. The effect on her skin from obesity is the same that can occur after pregnancy. The skin adjusts to a larger silhouette and when it is time to return to a silhouette according to the bone structure, the skin fails to adjust and we have an excess skin. Just as the effects on the skin due to obesity are similar to those produced by pregnancy, the effects on well-being are similar: causing discomfort when exercising, putting on a short blouse or looking in the mirror. The scar is large and paradoxically is at the same time discreet and invisible to the eyes of most people. Moreover, the result is so good, since it reminds you of how you have taken your well-being in your hands, that the scar is forgotten by the person who carries it.

The abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is a procedure of great satisfaction for the patient because it improves daily life in so many aspects (self-esteem, improves the function of the body during daily life, the fitness of the body to perform exercise, decreases the pain of posture). It is an outpatient procedure, that is, you go home the same day. It takes about 4 hours and is performed under deep sedation controlled by an anesthesiologist. The scars, despite being the most extensive in the field of plastic surgery, are discreet and are easily forgotten due to the comfort they provide. The return to daily activities is about 10 days, being able to resume physical activity from the fourth week.

Minor risks are low (less than 5%) and generally are asymmetries, wound infection, changes in sensation or delayed healing. The most severe problems that occur in less than 1% are the formation of clots in the leg that can affect the lungs and be life-threatening.

Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck may not lengthen your life but it will certainly improve your walk through life.

The price range starts at 5500 USD (it includes consultations before and after the procedure, the use of the operating room and supplies during the procedure, surgical and anesthetic team fees, as well as medications during recovery) and will be defined by the treatment plan suggested by your plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgeon. As we all know, not all dresses fit all bodies. At Kintsugi we do not look for generic results: we think like artists, plan like architects and execute like engineers. Just like with a dress, the result of your treatment is what people will see when they meet you. It's an investment in you.

At Kintsugi it will be a pleasure to walk beside you.