Women have been paying more and more attention to their genitals. This is because it is one of the most satisfying changes that bring more physical and emotional well-being.

When women choose to improve their genitalia, the result is a considerable increase in confidence. This is due to the fact that in most cases it is a personal choice in which each woman takes control of her body without any type of external pressure.

Just as there is a great variety of noses and a great variety of breasts, there is also a great variety of vulvas.

Courtesy of Jamie McCartney

Occasionally the labia minora may protrude (protrude beyond their normal limits) considerably, resulting in some discomfort during exercise such as cycling.. In these cases, an anatomy is restored that allows a more comfortable feel. As a result, the labia minora are at the level of the labia majora.

At other times the labia majora may be overly voluminous, producing a conspicuous appearance when wearing tight-fitting sportswear. This can cause some discomfort by attracting unwanted attention from others. Through intimate surgery, a result that reduces this conspicuous aspect of the genitals is achieved.

It may be that, on the contrary, with menopause the labia majora have lost their youthful turgor and have a raisin-like appearance. In these cases we restore the turgor and volume by rejuvenating the labia majora of the vulva.

There is a possibility that after pregnancy, changes have occurred in the vagina, increasing its opening. In these cases, the vagina is tightened.

Finally, the skin on the genitals may be dry and thinned, causing itching (lichen sclerosus), this happens mainly in young adolescents and perimenopausal women. Regeneration therapies allow us to provide the best solution to these unwanted situations.

The various intimate procedures are performed under deep sedation controlled by an anesthesiologist. It is an outpatient procedure, meaning that the same day of the surgery you will return home. The return to daily activities is done gradually in approximately 1 week. The most frequent complications, less than 5%, are a prolonged scarring in time (because it is a wet region and not completely clean).

The price range starts at 2800 USD (it includes consultations before and after the procedure, the use of the operating room and supplies during the procedure, surgical and anesthetic team fees, as well as medications during recovery) and will be defined by the treatment plan suggested by your plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgeon. As we all know, not all dresses fit all bodies. At Kintsugi we do not look for generic results: we think like artists, plan like architects and execute like engineers. Just like with a dress, the result of your treatment is what people will see when they meet you. It's an investment in you.

We do not seek to transform bodies but to transform lives!

Kintsugi Aesthetic

At Kintsugi, we don't want you to look like someone else. We want you to continue being you but feeling good about looking better.


Price in plastic, aesthetic and cosmetic surgery


Buttock Sculpting