Frequently Asked Questions

At KINTSUGI we want you to feel that you have made an informed decision that reflects what is important to you.

At KINTSUGI we care about your well-being.

Dear patient, choosing who to have a cosmetic procedure done is not easy. Why? We know that you are bombarded by misleading information, misleading claims, confusing information, from rock bottom prices to sky-high prices, pressure from providers, unqualified professionals... We have dedicated our blog to help you better understand the world of cosmetic and aesthetic medicine so that with this information you can make informed and intelligent decisions. You will discover in our blog how to find a qualified and competent professional, how to avoid making a mistake when choosing a plastic surgeon, what questions to ask your plastic surgeon about the cosmetic procedure you are interested in, how to understand about patient safety, and how to ask what the price is. We are dedicated to patient education, so if you have any questions we invite you to contact us.

You are about to live your aesthetic experience:

  • Just as a dress does not fit all bodies the same, at KINTSUGI: plastic surgery is tailor-made.

  • Our ideal patient is the one who does not feel the way she looks and puts her trust in us to walk beside her in this aesthetic experience.

  • At KINTSUGI we propose anti-aging treatment plans that consist of slowing down the hands of the aging clock. We also propose surgical treatment plans that consist in making the hands of the aging clock go back in time.

Your anti-aging treatment

  • After you have contacted us to book an appointment, you will need to make an appointment reservation deposit of 100 USD which will be credited to your treatment plan. If you think you will not be able to keep your appointment, do not worry, let us know 48 hours in advance and we will refund the deposit or reschedule your appointment. If you prefer to have a virtual appointment the appointment reservation deposit is 50 USD.

  • In case of a delay of more than 15 minutes, the appointment will be cancelled without refund and with a 50% retention when rescheduling the appointment.

  • Your first appointment with our team is called a generous listening appointment because only you know what you want and what you don't want! We will listen to you in order to propose the best treatment plan that suits your wishes and aspirations. It will last one hour, we will prepare you to carry out the agreed treatment plan and schedule your treatment appointment.

  • You should have completed the investment prior to your treatment appointment; according to the budget pre-established at your generous listening appointment.

  • At your treatment appointment we take care of everything.

  • Finally, we will walk beside you after the treatment with a customized follow-up and with a guarantee of the result for a defined period of time according to the treatment performed.

  • The value of your agreed bespoke treatment plan includes the entire aesthetic experience (medical fees, follow-up appointments, use of procedure room and supplies, medications, other ancillary services), with the most important being your safety and the results of a tailored treatment plan.

Your surgical treatment

  • After you have contacted us to book an appointment, you will need to make an appointment reservation deposit of 100 USD which will be credited to your treatment plan. If you think you will not be able to keep your appointment, do not worry, let us know 48 hours in advance and we will refund the deposit or reschedule your appointment. If you prefer to have a virtual appointment the appointment reservation deposit is 50 USD.

  • In case of a delay of more than 15 minutes, the appointment will be cancelled without refund and with a 50% retention when rescheduling the appointment.

  • Your first appointment with our team is called a generous listening appointment because only you know what you want and what you don't want! We will listen to you in order to propose the best treatment plan that suits your desires and aspirations. It will last one hour, we will prepare you to carry out the agreed treatment plan, present you with financing plans and schedule your meeting appointment.

  • During your second appointment or meeting appointment, we will check that you are ready for your treatment plan, we will proceed to schedule your surgical treatment by reserving the date with a deposit of 1000 USD. This deposit is refundable if you notify us a week before the date you have booked or you can reschedule your surgical slot. When you choose a surgery date, a block is placed in the schedule of the plastic surgeon as well as the anesthesiologist, operating room and recovery room. If you do not notify us in advance or reschedule on more than one occasion, then the deposit is non-refundable. Your appointment will last 30 minutes. We will schedule your design appointment.

  • The day of your surgery is coming! The day before the date you have booked, you will have your design appointment where we will design your procedure. You must have completed the investment of your aesthetic dream by that day according to the pre-established budget during the generous listening appointment. It lasts 30 minutes.

  • At your treatment appointment we take care of everything.

  • You will be walked through after the treatment with a personalized follow-up and with a guarantee of the result for a defined period of time according to the treatment performed.

  • The value of your agreed customized treatment includes the entire aesthetic experience (medical fees, follow-up appointments, use of procedure room and supplies, anesthesia, medications, implants, other ancillary services), with the most important being your safety and the results of a customized treatment.

It is important for us that you know this information

  • Whether you have chosen an anti-aging treatment or a surgical treatment, you will always look worse before you look better. The time frame in which this occurs can be discussed with your plastic surgeon.

  • Although risks and complications occur infrequently. An individual's choice to undergo a procedure to look better is based on comparing the risk to the potential benefit. Most patients do not experience complications however they should discuss each complication with their plastic surgeon to make sure they understand all the possible consequences of the surgical procedure.

  • All surgery leaves scars, some more visible than others. Our job is to make them as imperceptible as possible. Although good wound healing is expected, abnormal scars may appear to be unattractive and of a different color than the surrounding skin tone. The appearance of the scar may also vary within the same scar. Scars may be asymmetrical (appear different on the right and left side of the body). Scars may be raised, reddened or discolored. This will depend on how each patient responds to scarring (hypertrophic scar or keloid scar). How your tissue will respond to scarring is unknown.

  • Certain medical conditions, dietary supplements and medications can delay and interfere with healing. Patients with massive weight loss may have delayed healing that could result in incisions separating, infections and tissue changes. Patients with diabetes or those taking medications such as steroids on a prolonged basis may have prolonged healing problems. Smoking will cause a delay in the healing process, often resulting in the need for additional surgery. People exposed to secondhand smoke are also potentially at risk for similar complications. It is important to abstain from smoking at least 6 weeks prior to surgery. A test will be taken on the day of surgery and if positive, the procedure will be cancelled, forfeiting the day surgery reservation and delaying the procedure.

  • You will experience pain after surgery. Our job is to make your experience during and after treatment as pleasant as possible. Pain of varying intensity and duration may occur and persist during and after treatment depending on the individual patient. When taking pain medications after surgery, be aware that they may affect your thought process and coordination. Do not drive, operate complex equipment, make important decisions or drink alcohol while taking these medications. Be sure to take only the medications prescribed by your plastic surgeon as directed.

  • Exposing treated areas to the sun or a tanning bed may cause scarring and color changes. These activities should be delayed until your plastic surgeon says it is safe to resume.

  • The return to exercise and to be able to share intimate relations will be indicated by your plastic surgeon. Failure to follow the recommendations may cause alterations in healing and cause bleeding or hematoma.

  • Successful postoperative recovery depends on both surgery and aftercare. It is important that you participate in your follow-up care: return for aftercare and promote your recovery after surgery by carefully following all of your plastic surgeon's instructions. The guarantee of your result will be in effect only if you comply with these two points in postoperative follow-up care.

  • Although good results are expected, there is no guarantee expressed or implied that the results will be to your satisfaction. It is important that all patients seeking to undergo elective surgery have realistic expectations that focus on improvement rather than perfection. The body is not symmetrical and everyone has some degree of asymmetry between one side of the body and the other, which may not be recognized beforehand. One side of the face may be slightly larger or one side of the face more droopy. The chest and body exhibit the same possibilities. Many of these problems can be improved but not completely corrected. The more realistic your expectations for results, the better your results will be. Some patients never achieve their goals or desired results.


  • We pride ourselves on our privacy protocols and protecting the rights of our patients.

Live the personalized aesthetic experience