Plastic Surgery Guatemala

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Neck Rejuvenation

This is a thrilling and very up to date subject after what we lived during the pandemic and the rise of digital video communication through platforms such as Zoom and others.

Since long ago, the neck has been an object of appreciation as is the neck of Nefertiti, Egyptian queen, whose sculpture is iconic. The neck is an elegant and social body element that since the beginning of time has been adorned with jewelry. The neck translates youth, status, elegance and good health. This is why it is a highly sought after procedure by celebrities, models and businessmen.

During COVID, communication was largely reduced to an interaction with the other person through a screen. This caused more people to notice the importance of the neck in their appearance mainly due to two reasons. The first is that the camera that enables digital video communication generally has a field of view restricted to the face and neck, so there are fewer human features with which we can be distracted. Second is that we saw ourselves for much longer than usual. Generally in everyday life we do not see as much of ourselves as we see of others. We mainly see ourselves during the morning or evening when we are preparing for either the day ahead or sleeping at night. This increased exposure to the aesthetics of our necks caused increased awareness.

This is why we have since seen a boom in neck sculpting and rejuvenation procedures. I say sculpting and rejuvenation because it is a procedure that is performed from age 17 to 80. During youth, neck sculpting is sought in those people whose neck does not delimit the face from the thorax and it seems that they do not have a neck. This reduces presence, elegance and youth. While as the years go by, the procedure is performed to rejuvenate the neck that generally has skin laxity. The result is a loss of mandibular definition or a turkey neck.

The procedures are varied and must be customized according to the characteristics of each person. This is the reason why we see results that leave something to be desired, since it is a true art and must be made to measure. These procedures can range from minor medical acts such as the use of minimally invasive maneuvers to tighten the skin or reduce the subcutaneous cellular tissue  to surgical procedures to sculpt the neck. The beautiful patient whose photos we can see below, only needed a minimally invasive procedure to achieve this separation of the face and thorax, obtaining a better definition of the jawline.

While this beautiful patient, who is a businesswoman, mother and philanthropist, confided to us this dissonance between her feeling full of energy and life and the image she conveyed of tiredness due to the visible passage of time on her face. To turn back the hands of the clock we performed a surgical procedure known as deep plane necklift.

Neck sculpting or neck rejuvenation carries few risks when performed by a certified plastic surgeon. Among the most feared is a lesion of a facial nerve that innervates the lips and that can produce a difficulty to the mobility of the lips that is generally transitory. This risk is less than 1% and if it happens it tends to resolve in 3 to 4 months. Another less severe but slightly more common risk is the occurrence of bleeding after surgery that will initially interfere with adequate healing. Neck surgery or deep plane necklift (technical name) is a procedure that is usually performed under deep sedation controlled by an anesthesiologist and lasts approximately 2 to 4 hours. It is an outpatient procedure, meaning that you return home the same day. The return to daily activities is in about two to three weeks and the scars are imperceptible.

The price range starts at 2850 USD (it includes consultations before and after the procedure, the use of the operating room and consumables during the procedure, surgical and anesthetic team fees, as well as medications during recovery) and will be defined by the treatment plan suggested by your plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgeon. As we all know, not all dresses fit all bodies. At Kintsugi we do not look for generic results: we think like artists, plan like architects and execute like engineers. Just like with a dress, the result of your treatment is what people will see when they meet you. It's an investment in you.

Feel good about looking better!