When the illustrious poet, Ruben Dario, wrote: "Youth, divine treasure, you are already leaving, never to return!" Kintsugi Plastic Surgery did not yet exist and the trend of facial rejuvenation was just beginning.

Face rejuvenation surgery is one of the most frequently performed surgeries in Europe and the USA as well as in Canada.

Facial rejuvenation surgery is a very rewarding procedure because, as we have mentioned before, it turns back the hands of the clock of old age and can drastically rejuvenate us. This physical change brings other changes in the well being of the person. Every day we see our face and every day other people see our face. Seeing ourselves with a rejuvenated face fills us with energy and vigor. But it also makes other people see us with more energy and vigor. It keeps them from treating us as old. It prevents them from thinking that we are out of date and that we are running out of energy, whether it is our grandchildren at home for example or our collaborators in our professional activity. A clear example is the current president of the USAwho has undergone this procedure. But also many other personalities, such as the famous fashion designer Marc Jacobs Marc Jacobs, who made of his procedure a viral event by documenting in social networks all his process in real time or the famous artist Sia artist Sia whose life was positively impacted.

Face Rejuvenation

Courtesy of New York Center for facial plastic surgery

There is often apprehension about performing this surgery because of the unpromising results that circulate in the media. Unfortunately, the media propagate more the accidents that are fewer in number but more sensational than the successes that are more frequent but less blockbuster.

Our body is important but the face is fundamental to our interaction with society. That is why after World War I those poor, disfigured soldiers (called the "broken faces") had a hard time in society) being disliked by the citizens they defended and it was the beginning of face rejuvenation surgery.

In the last 100 years great advances and improvements have been made with amazing and beautiful results. At Kintsugi we use the "deep plane" technique and our founding surgeon participates in the foundation "HUGS, Help Us Give Smiles" together with eminent surgeons such as Andrew Jacono who was the author of Marc Jacobs' procedure or Ben Talei who was the author of Sia's procedure.

It is a surgery that like all other procedures in plastic surgery and in medicine involves risks. These risks are rare when the procedure is performed by a certified plastic surgeon. Among the risks there may be in less than 1% an injury to the facial nerve resulting in paralysis of the face. If this happens in most cases it is a transitory situation that recovers in four months. There may also be complications related to the scar although generally the scar is imperceptible.

It is an outpatient procedure, meaning you go home the same day, it takes 5 to 8 hours to perform depending on the results you wish to obtain. Pain after the procedure is mild and of short duration. It is performed under deep sedation controlled by an anesthesiologist. The return to daily activities is quick, being able to resume activities after approximately 2 weeks.

The price range starts at 6500 USD (it includes consultations before and after the procedure, the use of the operating room and supplies during the procedure, surgical and anesthetic team fees, as well as medications during recovery) and will be defined by the treatment plan suggested by your plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgeon. As we all know, not all dresses fit all bodies. At Kintsugi we do not look for generic results: we think like artists, plan like architects and execute like engineers. Just like with a dress, the result of your treatment is what people will see when they meet you. It's an investment in you.

At Kintsugi we may not give years to your life but we will give life to your years!

Kintsugi Aesthetic

At Kintsugi, we don't want you to look like someone else. We want you to continue being you but feeling good about looking better.


Neck Rejuvenation


Nose Job