This is a very interesting topic because who usually undergoes this procedure is the ideal candidate.

Generally those who choose to have a breast reduction do it exclusively for themselves. Sometimes plastic surgery procedures are unfortunately requested to please others. This is not a good idea because when we choose to do something we do it yearning for a better future. If the decision comes from us and we achieve the desired result, we are the judges and we will have more confidence in ourselves and in the result obtained. While when the judge of the result is a third person we will not have gained in confidence because we do not own the process or the decision. In addition, this third person often did not even want the result that we assumed he/she wanted. This brings us not only displeasure but also it brings a greater lack of self-confidence.

Why would anyone think about breast reduction if breasts are unique to womanhood and so many women want to give their breasts more presence?

As Paracelsus said many centuries ago: in this life nothing is poison and everything is poison, only the dose makes the poison.

Having too big of a breast not only does not meet the aesthetic characteristics of the breast that we  previously mentioned: a well-defined breast that stands proudly on the thorax. But it mainly brings with it problems in daily life.. Those who have larger breasts know that they hinder the performance of sports and physical activity: big breasts add extra weight to the body, big breasts move in an exaggerated way hindering the movement of the arms for example or hurting the person by causing back pain. Having unusually big breasts makes it difficult to choose clothes because these proportions, which are not those of most women, are not taken into account by clothing manufacturers and the range of possibilities to express oneself through clothing is considerably reduced. Last but not least, unfortunately, unwanted and unsolicited attention is drawn to the breasts.

For all these reasons, despite the fact that friends and family do not always understand the decision of those patients who have had their breasts reduced, these women have chosen to have their breasts reduced, putting themselves and their well-being before the opinions of others.

In this procedure the objective is not only to reduce breast volume but also to preserve the characteristic shape of a beautiful breast.

During a breast reduction the excess tissue is removed and the remaining tissue is rearranged. This may result in the loss of breastfeeding function. In someone who has never had a pregnancy, we cannot tell if the inability to breastfeed is due to the procedure or simply because the woman did not have the ability to breastfeed to begin with, as up to 25% of women will not be able to breastfeed if they become pregnant.

The procedure is performed under deep sedation controlled by an anesthesiologist. The procedure lasts approximately 3 to 5 hours. The return to daily activities is gradual and takes two to three weeks. The risks are uncommon and among them we find irregularities in the contour of the breast, visible scars, presence of seromas that correspond to a pocket of inflammatory liquid trapped inside the body that must be drained to avoid irregularities in the contour of the breast, alterations in the sensitivity of the breast and loss of breastfeeding function. The most feared but rare risk is a partial or total loss of the areola and nipple.

It is an outpatient procedure, which means that you go home the same day of surgery at the end of it. The pain is intermediate and usually resolves during the first week after the intervention. After the first month, physical activity will be resumed.

The price range starts at $4750 USD (it includes consultations before and after the procedure, use of the operating room and supplies during the procedure, surgical and anesthetic team fees, as well as medications during recovery) and will be defined by the treatment plan suggested by your plastic, cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon. Not all dresses fit all bodies. At Kintsugi we don't look for generic results: we think like artists, plan like architects and execute like engineers. Just as with a dress, the result of your treatment is what people will see when they meet you. It's an investment in you.

At Kintsugi we may not lengthen your life but we will surely improve your walk in it.

Kintsugi Aesthetic

At Kintsugi, we don't want you to look like someone else. We want you to continue being you but feeling good about looking better.

Lip design


Breast implant removal